Tuesday, October 27, 2009

11. The Abuse of Democracy.


In Post 2 titled-: " Democracy in Crisis. " I have expressed my concern for the health and fitness for purpose ( purpose being the viability and survival of western civilisation and its evolved traditional values in and through history ) of an abused democracy in the West, by listing key-words, ideas and scenarios, arranged in a staged order of events which should have brought fair&free-thinking readers in agreement with my concerns. I am not interested in those who believe everything is going just fine, as these people are probably those who are directly or indirectly naively undermining the system for personal gains or some narrow historical, ideological, political interest, or in some extreme cases, because they hate their own or hosting civilisation or intend to sabotage it on behalf of some opposing civilisation for ideological or religious-ideological motives. The type of persons belonging to the naïve type of category including the BabyBoomers and Pinocchio-like generations of the 1950-70s who have embraced the wide range of by-products of the various jungle-cultures (i.e., and the various types of Mafiosi elements in our western societies ) generally have none, too little or extremely biased historical knowledge, a defect which allows them to believe we are immune from the catastrophic failures which have occurred in the history of our civilisation ( In general Mafiosi types are opportunists ready to compromise and deal with any opponent of their civilisation seeking privileges from the opponents of their civilisation. They have no real love or understanding for culture ). . This may also apply to the consciously, willing, premeditating and determined saboteurs in our midst who may have extremely biased historical knowledge ( i.e., people believing in propaganda from the broadcasters of the Wahabi-Brand of Islamic Theology, or from, say the Hezbullah, Hamas, etc. ). Let me make a classical example of historical distortion I took from a book written for Hezbullah, available in our Public Libraries-: The very skilled, persuasive however dishonest, definitely unscholarly writer, obviously a by-product of some American University, gave as an example of western aggressiveness, the First Crusade which occurred in ca.1100 A.D. He did not mention at all the facts that Islamic penetration of France was stopped by Charles Martel at the battle of Poitiers ( that is quite deep inside France ) in 732 A.D., when Islam had already taken the whole of North Africa from the Byzantinians and that Islam had already invaded by that time India. The writer did not mention the possibility that Islam had been for centuries before the First Crusade occurred, cutting off Europe from essential trade & cultural routes with the Far East. If he had done that then the Crusades could be seen as legitimate attempts from the West to balance Islamic aggressiveness that began in ca. 650A.D.

Modern Democracy has evolved on ancient classical foundations by the application of Christian ethics and Aristotelian morality to the romantic ideals of the Enlightenment, i.e., Equality, Liberty and Fraternity, extended to the masses of humanity, inspired by Galatians 3:26-28. Even those among us to-day who claim they do not need Christianity ( without which democracy becomes a corrupt schizophrenic wore. There are decent women among the sex-comforters and I have great respect for these. ) in order to be democratic and to own democratic principles forget that Christianity was strong and present in those who reformed American and French governmental institutions. Although in France, during the Revolution the uneducated revolutionaries thought they could supplant religion and Christian ethics by the God of Reason, their descendants had to bring back the old values and ethics for the sake of a viable, reliable, healthy society.

The fundamental understanding upon which Platonic, Aristotelian and Christian ethics, and therefore, to-day, ideal Democracy, are based, was recognised by the scholastic Doctor of Theology, the Dominican monk St. Thomas Aquina when he made-: (1). Human rights complementary to corresponding duties, and declared-: (2) The reciprocity and mutual dependence of the human rights of the individual with the ancillary ones of the collective.

The main cause of the crisis of democracy to-day is simply the failure of governments and of modern educational institutions to remind voters about the correspondence and dependence existing between rights and duties.

Also the fact that the will of a generally poorly educated majority that sadly includes the " Baby-Boom" and "Pinocchio" generations of the 1950-1970s, is intrinsically believed to be the correct and just decision to be adopted even in relation to issues which should only be decided by experts in the field, .

This is compounded by the fact that a powerful privilege such as voting is granted to any citizen, even when a person is unwilling to defend the civilisation which is supplying him/her with his/her livelihood. Citizenship is even granted to newcomers from nations belonging to a civilisation which perhaps even opposes ours, and which rejects democratic principles, without placing conditions regarding the necessity to adopt the new values of the host nation. These new citizens are allowed in fact to use democracy to undermine democracy. We are in fact riddled by a growing number of people who, while claiming the right to belong to our western democratic system ( in virtue of having acquired citizenship-status in one of our western nations ), keep on sympathising in fact for some opponent or enemy of our system. It is a paradoxical scenario since the nations, cultures, civilisations from which these spurious westerners originate do not reciprocate our ideals and praxis of freedom, openness and transparency, on the contrary they reject and oppose these on the basis of some political or religious ideology. The opposition of these foreign civilisations is the result of either ideological ( anti-capitalistic ) or religious-ideologies ( theocratic obsessions like those in Islamic, Judaic and resurging czarist-orthodox-Russian-pan-slavic collectives , etc.). There are also hidden currents ( of a religious/political nature i.e., The Sacred Line of Holy Grail Kings about which Sir Laurence Gardner is a modern representative ) present in our European scenario, and these shall be analised, discussed and normalised in relation to their probable potential to reform, revitalise and defend Democracy, in future Articles, in following Posts.

In my critical stand about infiltrators and opponents of our western nations, there is a key-word which defines and justifies my attitude-: Reciprocity and Mutuality.

Let us imagine one of us decided to migrate to China, Saudi Arabia, or Lybia, or India and to become a citizen of one of those nations. Just imagine what conditions, checks, and cross-examinations regarding motives and beliefs one would have to satisfy before even being considered, and think about how much freedom one would be allowed then, by doing so. Also whether the decision could be always reversible, without sanctions and retaliations.

I can already, at this stage, hear the accusations of racist from some reader. Not so, I am not a racist, just a culturally-concerned individual who considers his culture worth defending and does not wish it infiltrated and de-stabilised. I am not even against multi-culturalism ( As a matter of fact I adore aspects and expressions of japanese, chinese, arabic and hebrew cultures, however I believe that decency, courtesy, restraint and good manners should be exercised by people of other cultures who are guests of my civilisation, to ensure that they make their civilisation compatible with mine and jettison what is not. Mutuality and Reciprocity should result in a cultural exchange and acceptance.

My conditions to the granting of equality, freedom and fraternity ( sorority ) to a person would be the capacity and ability of this person to accept Galatians 3: 26-28 . Moreover, in order to be consistent with the ethical criteria revealed by St. Thomas Aquina, my cultural concern, in addition to be a human right, would also result from an awareness that the defence of my civilisation is a complementary duty.

In other words, my right to enjoy the benefits of my civilisation depends from my readiness and willingness to defend it, and vice-versa.

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